Mailing Address Verification – Teacher Regulation Branch and VSB

Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB) & VSB mailing address verification

Please make sure that the TRB has your most up to date personal information. The VSB will be extracting payroll information on February 28th to prepare the Teacher Regulation Branch fees for the April 30th VSB payroll. If your fees are not deducted and your address is not up to date, it may result in the suspension of your teaching certificate. If you are a new hire to the VSB, make sure that you have brought your TRB teaching certificate into Employee Services at the VSB for verification.  You can update your information with the TRB here and through PeopleSoft Employee Self Service access through If you are on leave, make sure that you have paid your TRB fees by May 31st.


Teachers can request an electronic version of their T4s through the PeopleSoft Employee Self Service. See instructions below:
1.       Enter your VSB user name (exactly as you log on to VSB email) and your same password:
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2.       Select “Self-Service”
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3.       Select Payroll and Compensation
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4.       If you have already consented then you can go straight to “View T4”  (consent is only required once in your employment)
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5.       After we publish the 2017 T4’s they will default in this screen.  To view prior years, you will need to consent and select “View a Different Tax Year

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