VSTA Committees contribute to the strength and diversity of the Union. Committees are a place to share collective concerns and to propose collective actions.
The Executive Committee provides advice to the In-House Table Officers (President and Vice-Presidents) and takes on an active leadership role (see Roles of the Executive Committee). The Executive Committee is comprised of:
- President
- 1st Vice-President
- 2nd Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Immediate Past President in succession
- Local Representatives (3)
- Health & Safety Committee Chair
- Indigenous Education Committee Chair (a member who identifies as Indigenous)
- Professional Development Committee Chair
- Social & Environmental Justice Committee Chair
- Technology Committee Chair
- Working/Learning Conditions & Bargaining Committee Chair
- Teacher Teaching On-Call Representative
- Teacher of Colour Member-at-Large (a member who identifies as a teacher of colour)
- 2SLGBTQ+ Member-at-Large (a member who identifies as 2SLGBTQ+)
- Members-at-Large (6 or 5 if there is an immediate past president in succession)

Executive Committee 2023-2024
President | Carmen Schaedeli | carmen@vsta.ca |
1st Vice-President | Carl Janze | carl@vsta.ca |
2nd Vice-President | John Silver | john@vsta.ca |
Past President | Terry Stanway | terry@vsta.ca |
Treasurer | Kathryn Walks | treasurer@vsta.ca |
Local Rep to BCTF | Nicole Duy | LR@vsta.ca |
Rod Ofreneo | LR@vsta.ca | |
Jesse Taylor | LR@vsta.ca | |
Indigenous Education Chair | Jelana Bighorn | IE@vsta.ca |
Health & Safety Chair | Christa Duttchen | HS@vsta.ca |
Pro-D Chair | Jonathan Wynn | ProD@vsta.ca |
Social & Environmental Justice Chair | Madeline Brewster | SEJ@vsta.ca |
WLC & Bargaining Chair | Gregory Henderson | WLCB@vsta.ca |
Technology Chair | Brian Wu | TECH@vsta.ca |
TTOC Rep | Cassie Naymie | TTOC@vsta.ca |
Teacher of Colour MAL | Stephanie Tsui | BIPOC@vsta.ca |
2SLGBTQ+ MAL | Talya Florian | 2SLGBTQ@vsta.ca |
Members-at-Large | Baldeep Bassi | |
Omar Kassis | ||
Les Nerling | ||
Sara Ng | ||
Ginaya Peters |
The Council of the VSTA is comprised of Staff Representatives elected by Association members in each school/worksite. Staff Reps meet from across the district at monthly Council meetings to share information, bring awareness of site issues, and provide feedback and direction to the Executive Committee and BCTF. Any VSTA member may attend Council, but not vote. Only Council members and Executive members may vote. A quorum for any Council Meetings shall consist of fifty percentum of the eligible Staff Representative voting entitlement.
Several Standing Committees are established by the VSTA Constitution and Bylaws. These committees are responsible for conducting some of the affairs of the VSTA and to provide recommendations and advice to the Executive Committee. The Chairs of these standing committees are elected by the general membership at the AGM. Most VSTA Standing Committees Reps are elected by the Staff Organization at each school/worksite.
- 2SLGBTQ+ Educators
- BIPOC Educators
- Health & Safety
- Indigenous Education
- Professional Development
- Social & Environmental Justice
- Teachers Teaching On-Call
- Technology
- Working/Learning Conditions & Bargaining