Mental Health Awareness Week

May 6-12 is Mental Health Awareness Week in Canada. See below for have resources from the Canadian Mental Health Association and our EFAP provider through the VSB:

CMHA has released a toolkit specific to schools, including in-class activities, a mental health checklist, posters, and more.

Head to to see everything that’s available!

VSB’s EFAP provider, Morneau Shepell has launched a “Mental Fitness Microsite“, with articles and resources to support mental wellbeing.

Login to to see what they’ve put together for you. As always, if you are struggling with your mental wellbeing, you can call 1-844-880-9142, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

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National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day (formerly National Aboriginal Day) is celebrated June 21st each year in Canada. This day is to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. ...

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