VSTA AGM 2019 Report

Many thanks to all who attended the VSTA AGM on May 14 at Tupper to vote on important issues and elect the 2019-20 Executive Committee.

The membership

  • received a report and passed recommendations on the Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF);
  • adopted the Audited Financial Statements for Year Ended July 31, 2018;
  • passed the VSTA Budget 2019-20;
  • appointed Auditors for 2019-20;
  • elected IHTOs and Executive Members for 2019-20;
  • received a bargaining update
  • received an update on the building redevelopment project

Many great door prizes were raffled off and members enjoyed the social following the meeting.  

Congratulations to the recently elected In-House Table Officers and Executive Members for 2019-2020!

President Katharine Shipley
1st Vice-President Treena Goolieff
2nd Vice-President Terry Stanway
Treasurer John Silver
Local Representatives Shelby Calman, Preet Lidder, Alyssa Reid
Members-at-Large Paul Falardeau, Nikitha Fester, Phil Lee, Sara McGarry, Sylvia Metzner, Nancy Palejko, Nigel Reedman, Jesse Taylor

Standing Committee Chairs


Health & Safety

Professional Development

Social & Environmental Justice

Teacher Teaching On-Call


W/LC & Bargaining



Michael-Don Borason

Kathryn Walks

Madeline Brewster

Lindsay Donaldson

Peter Halim

Scott McKeen

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National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day (formerly National Aboriginal Day) is celebrated June 21st each year in Canada. This day is to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. ...

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