Many thanks to all who attended the VSTA AGM on May 14 at Tupper to vote on important issues and elect the 2019-20 Executive Committee.
The membership
- received a report and passed recommendations on the Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF);
- adopted the Audited Financial Statements for Year Ended July 31, 2018;
- passed the VSTA Budget 2019-20;
- appointed Auditors for 2019-20;
- elected IHTOs and Executive Members for 2019-20;
- received a bargaining update
- received an update on the building redevelopment project
Many great door prizes were raffled off and members enjoyed the social following the meeting.
Congratulations to the recently elected In-House Table Officers and Executive Members for 2019-2020!
President | Katharine Shipley |
1st Vice-President | Treena Goolieff |
2nd Vice-President | Terry Stanway |
Treasurer | John Silver |
Local Representatives | Shelby Calman, Preet Lidder, Alyssa Reid |
Members-at-Large | Paul Falardeau, Nikitha Fester, Phil Lee, Sara McGarry, Sylvia Metzner, Nancy Palejko, Nigel Reedman, Jesse Taylor |
Standing Committee Chairs Aboriginal Health & Safety Professional Development Social & Environmental Justice Teacher Teaching On-Call Technology W/LC & Bargaining |
Vacant Michael-Don Borason Kathryn Walks Madeline Brewster Lindsay Donaldson Peter Halim Scott McKeen |