VSTA Annual General 2020

MONDAY, MAY 25, 2020 – 3:00-5:00 PM

In light of the COVID 19 pandemic and physical distancing rules, the VSTA will be holding its 2020 AGM online. Given the platform we are using (SimplyVoting), the AGM will be a “bare bones” meeting – there will be no proposed Constitutional and By-Law Amendments and no motions for debate from the floor. 


  1. Registered members will have received an email confirmation from the VSTA office with details on the voting process, running from the floor or withdrawing from a ballot, and a meeting package.  Members are encouraged to follow the agenda below or to download the pdf meeting package attached to the email.   
  2. Each registered member will receive an email from Data on the Spot (DOTS) with their unique login credential, a link to the virtual AGM, and a “test” ballot by May 23.  This email will come from vote@simplyvote.com (please be sure to check your junk folder).  
  3. If you do not receive this communication by Sunday, May 24, 12 PM or have any questions, please contact Mo (mo@vsta.ca).

Virtual AGM Voting Instructions (pdf)


  1. Registered members may login at any time before the meeting. 
  2. There will be no motions or debate from the floor. 
  3. Financial Statements: Members are asked to review the financial reports and email any questions to mo@vsta.ca.  
  4. Election: Each ballot will run in succession. Ballots typically stay open for 2-3 minutes. The results are instantaneous.


1. Adoption of Agenda

MOTION:  Katharine Shipley/Treena Goolieff
THAT the agenda be adopted.

2. Approval of Minutes of May 14, 2019

MOTION:  Katharine Shipley/Treena Goolieff
THAT the minutes of May 14, 2019 be approved. 

Draft minutes of May 14, 2019 Annual General Meeting

3. Receipt of Annual Reports

MOTION:  Katharine Shipley/Treena Goolieff
THAT the Annual Reports be received.

VSTA Annual Reports

4. VSTA-Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF) Proposed Budget for 2020-2021

MOTION:  John Silver/Katharine Shipley
THAT the VSTA-Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF) proposed budget for 2020-2021 be adopted. 

VSTA-Salary Indemnity Fund (SIF) Proposed Budget for 2020-2021

5. Audited Financial Statements for Year Ended July 31, 2019

MOTION:  John Silver/Katharine Shipley
THAT the audited financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2019 be adopted.

Audited Financial Statements for Year Ended July 31, 2019

The audited financial statements report on the Association’s finances for the previous fiscal year, in this case, the year commencing on August 1st, 2018 and ending on July 31st, 2019. (The fiscal year for the BCTF and its locals is chosen to overlap the school year.) The audited statements must be accepted by the membership by way of a motion at the AGM. The audit was completed in the Fall by an audit team from Hedden Chong LLP and the statements have been reviewed and recommended to the membership for approval by the Finance Committee, Executive Committee, and Council.

6. VSTA Proposed Budget for 2020-2021

MOTION:  John Silver/Katharine Shipley
THAT the VSTA proposed budget for 2020-2021 be adopted as recommended by the VSTA Executive and Council.

VSTA Proposed Budget for 2020-2021

Based on our internal line item accounts, the VSTA Budget delineates our expected revenue and expenses. It is passed by the Executive Committee and Council for recommendation to the membership at the AGM. In order to meet deadlines for approval by both the Executive Committee and Council, with the assistance of Kim, the Finance Committee starts work on the budget in January – this work continues until early March. The estimates that make up the budget are based on our experience with each of the revenue and expense categories and the information available to the Finance Committee at the time.

A couple of points of note for the 2020-2021 Budget: 

  • No funds have been allocated under expense line items 5295 and 5297, ‘Building Redevelopment’. While we anticipate expenses for the building redevelopment project, we also anticipate being able to bring a recommendation to the VSTA and VESTA memberships regarding whether to proceed with the redevelopment. Should the members of both Associations vote to proceed, we will close accounts 5295 and 5297 transfer the expenses to a separate building project capital account. A separate capital account for the project is useful for tracking project expenses and revenue.
  • The proposed budget was developed pre Covid-19. There are line items projecting expenses for meetings or member events which we may not be able to hold for part of the year or the full year. On the revenue side, it is possible that some BCTF grants may be reduced. If by December it becomes evident that our actual revenue and expenses are tracking significantly off the budgeted values, the Executive Committee may choose to present an amended budget to Council for recommendation to the membership at a General Meeting. (A request for an amended budget can also come from a General Meeting by way of a motion compelling the Executive Committee to undertake the task.) If adopted by the membership, the amended budget would guide spending for the remainder of the school year.
7. Appointment of Auditors for Year Ending July 31, 2020

MOTION:  John Silver/Katharine Shipley
THAT the firm Hedden, Chong LLP Chartered Accountants be appointed auditors for the year ending July 31, 2020.

8. Election of Executive Committee 2020-2021

List of Candidates & Candidate Statements

Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Each ballot will run in succession. Ballots typically stay open for 2-3 minutes. Once the majority of votes are cast, a 30 second warning will be announced before closing the vote. The results are instantaneous and will be relayed to the scrutineers before successful candidate(s) are announced.

9. Endorsement of VTF Officers for 2020-2021

MOTION:  Katharine Shipley/Treena Goolieff
THAT the following persons, by virtue of their election to the Executive of the VSTA, be appointed as Officers of the Vancouver Teachers’ Federation for 2020-2021: (Names of elected President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, 3 Local Representatives).

10. Adjournment

MOTION:  Katharine Shipley/Treena Goolieff
THAT the meeting be adjourned.

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Welcome Back!

We hope you had a restful and relaxing summer! The VSTA office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mondays to Thursdays and until 3:30 on Fridays.

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