VSTA General Meeting Report

January 26, 2021

Delegates to the BCTF AGM

In addition to our three Local Reps (Shelby Calman, Nancy Palejko and Katharine Shipley) we elected sixteen delegates who will attend the virtual BCTF AGM this March 20-23 and represent Vancouver Secondary teachers’ voice at the provincial table. A HUGE thank you to the dedicated teachers who were willing to put their names forward and volunteer their time in the middle of this year’s spring break to participate.

Thanks Delegates!

Seema Ali, Lindsay Donaldson, Rob Ferguson, Stephanie Glynianyi, Treena Goolieff, Scott McKeen, Rod Ofreneo, Alyssa Reid, Tracy Romano, Carmen Schaedeli, John Silver, Terry Stanway, Andrea Sum, Jesse Taylor, Kathryn Walks and Jonathan Wynn, and Alternates Jelana Bighorn and Karine Ng. 


Constitution & By-Law Amendments – Teachers Teaching On-Call

The general meeting also approved VSTA by-law amendments to allow TTOCs two voting spots on VSTA Staff Rep Council as well as a voting spot on each of the VSTA Standing Committees which include Professional Development, Working/Learning Conditions & Bargaining, Social & Environmental Justice, Health & Safety, and Technology. 


THANK YOU to all members who attended the General Meeting!

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a restful and relaxing summer! The VSTA office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mondays to Thursdays and until 3:30 on Fridays.

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