VESTA and VSTA have recently been in discussions regarding the composition of the VTF bargaining team.  Yesterday evening, the two organizations reached an agreement on a VTF Bargaining Team Composition that will see us through the upcoming round of negotiations, with a plan to address the matter in an ongoing fashion for future rounds of bargaining. 

As a result, the VTF General Meeting today, Tuesday, November 2, at 4:00 pm will be able to focus on the important task of setting our joint priorities for the upcoming round of local bargaining with the Vancouver School Board on matters of concern for our members. 

Please plan to attend the VTF General Meeting today, where we can discuss matters connected to local bargaining in-committee and to determine the path forward.  The agenda includes a report on local bargaining and information about the bargaining structure, as well as the setting of objectives.

A note to VSTA members: pre-registration for this meeting is no longer required; all members of VSTA and VESTA will be emailed a voting link directly from vote@simplyvoting.com.

The Zoom link for the webinar meeting:  
Passcode: 391392
Webinar ID: 878 3876 7166

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Canada: +1 778 907 2071


First, please check your junk or spam folder. You may not receive the email if you have  unsubscribed or blocked Simply Voting in the past.  Send an email message to resubscribe@simplyvoting.com from the unsubscribed email address. 

Please contact Mo at mo@vsta.ca if you haven’t received it by 10:00 AM.


Meeting & Voting Instructions

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Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements

VSTA members have the opportunity to elect 16 delegates to attend the 2025 BCTF AGM following the VSTA General Meeting on January 22, 2025. For more information on the candidate statements, please click here..

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