The election for the VSTA Executive Committee for 2024-25 will take place at the VSTA Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

The deadline for submitting nominations to be included in the 2024 AGM package is May 6, 2024, at 9:00 AM. **NOMINATION SUBMISSION IS NOW CLOSED**

Executive Committee member description 

This volunteer position is open to any VSTA member. The Executive Committee provides advice to the In-House Table Officers (President/Vice-Presidents) and takes on an active leadership role. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to gain more insight into the workings of their local union and the school board. You may serve as a Local Representative to the BCTF, chair one of the VSTA standing committees (Health & Safety, Indigenous Education,

Pro-D, Social & Environmental Justice, Technology, TTOC Committee Chair, Working/ Learning Conditions & Bargaining), or be a Member-at-Large.

We ask for the following commitments: attending two Thursday evening meetings a month (Executive Committee and Council), going to one annual weekend retreat (usually the 3rd week of September), willingness to attend the BCTF AGM during Spring Break (starts on a Saturday afternoon and ends on the following Tuesday afternoon), sitting on VSB Advisory Committees as well as attending School Union Rep Training (SURT) days during the year. 

VSTA In-House Table Officer description (President/Vice-President) Responsibilities:

  • Liaising with the Vancouver School Board (Trustees, Senior Management, Standing Committees, Employee Relations, Labour Relations)
  • Collective Agreement – enforcement and interpretation, grievances and arbitrations
  • Liaising with VEAES, VASSA, BCTF and other local associations
  • Member services – Collective Agreement interpretation, discipline, Health & Wellness
  • Communications with members
  • Supporting Staff Reps & Executive Committee members (especially chairs of Standing Committees)
  • Planning SURT & Executive Committee Retreat
  • Setting agenda for Executive Committee, Council and General Meetings.
  • Managing office staff
  • Managing the building and the re-development project


  • Office hours (8:30-4:30/9:00-5:00)
  • Evening meetings (Executive, Council, Board & Committee meetings)
  • Weekend meetings (BCTF Functions & Executive Retreat)

Skill set: 

  • Ability to balance big picture with details
  • Willingness to listen and function well as part of a team
  • Skilled at creating and maintaining professional relationships
  • Good at seeing connections that lead to thinking ahead and predicting, flexibility and taking initiative
  • Strong writing and communication skills

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Summer Office Hours

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August 19th—September 3rd, 2024: 9:00am –3:00pm

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