BCTF Message: Rainbow Week of Action

At the May 8–9, 2024, Executive Committee meeting, the following motion was carried:

That the Federation provide a donation of $1,000 to support the Rainbow Week of Action, as well as promote the week and events through Federation communications.

The Rainbow Week of Action is a significant initiative aimed at promoting equality and acceptance for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals across Canada.

Despite the progress that has been made towards 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and inclusion, discrimination and prejudice still persist in our schools and society at large.

The Rainbow Week of Action is a campaign that aims to create safe and affirming communities free from hate for all. This campaign raises awareness about the challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, promotes understanding and acceptance, and advocates for policies and practices that protect their rights and dignity.

We invite your local to support the Rainbow Week of Action and take steps to create more inclusive and equitable schools.

Visit www.rainbowequality.ca to learn more. Other partners in this week of action include: Unifor Canada, Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Public Service Alliance of Canada, and more.

Please consider using the letter generator to call on your Member of Parliament to uphold the rights of queer and non-binary youth; we encourage you to share it with your members as well. You can also use this graphic for social media.

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