Why I attended a BCTF AGM

Precious spring break last year to attend the BCTF AGM. Normally, I laugh and say “It was actually a REALLY good time!”  I had no idea what I was getting into when Rory and Katharine suggested I put my name forward last year.  In fact, I had to ask questions like “As someone whose wardrobe consists mainly of overalls, do I need to bring nice clothes?” to which they laughed and said no. But in reality, attending the AGM was one of the most enlightening experiences I have had in my teaching career. It was incredible to hear debate about issues ranging from equity on Executive, to education finance and policy, to the health, welfare and safety of teachers from members from all over the province. I had my eyes opened to many issues facing members that I was completely unaware of. Yes, the days are long sitting in a ballroom with recycled air, and some of the resolutions may seem monotonous, and the thought of people debating which type of comma to use (WAIT, WHAT? THERE IS MORE THAN ONE TYPE OF COMMA?) might make you want to pull your hair out, but these are the people and the resolutions that are creating positive change within our union – and YOU can be a part of that change. Since the AGM, I was inspired to run for Executive and become much more actively involved in our union. It truly was a life changing experience! I hope to see some new faces there this year.               Alyssa Reid – Windermere

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National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day (formerly National Aboriginal Day) is celebrated June 21st each year in Canada. This day is to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. ...

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