In light of the COVID 19 pandemic and physical distancing rules, the VSTA will be holding its 2020 AGM online. Given the platform we are using (SimplyVoting), the AGM will be a “bare bones” meeting – there will be no proposed Constitutional and By-Law Amendments and no motions for debate from the floor.  When we are able to reconvene in person for discussion, these types of motions will of course be entertained again. We hope that this online AGM is a one time event and that this time next year, we will be meeting in person.

What: The VSTA AGM – receival of reports, approval of audited financial statements, election of the VSTA Executive Committee, selection of auditor, setting of membership fee for 2020-2021 & approval of 2020/2021 VSTA Budget for next year.

Where: In cyberspace. Online via Data on the Spot (SimplyVoting platform).

Why: As per VSTA By-Laws & Constitution, the VSTA AGM must occur before May 31st. As per VSTA By-Laws & Constitution, nominations must be received 3 weeks prior to the AGM. The deadline for nominations is May 4th. See nomination link here. While members may “run from the floor”, they will not have an opportunity to address the membership in this format.

When: May 25th, 3-5 pm.  

How: Via email. This will NOT be a live web based interactive forum. It will look like an online survey. Please make sure that the VSTA office has your correct email. We will be asking Staff Reps to connect with colleagues at staff meetings and remind them. We will be providing the Audited Financial statements and 2020-2021 Budget on our website in a secure fashion so that members may email questions in advance of the meeting.  

Members will need to register in advance to have access to the meeting.  Registration details will be sent out by May 11th. 



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