January 21, 2022
Dear Colleague,
End of Semester One is near! As we continue to navigate our work demands during an ever-changing pandemic, remember to make space for grace for yourself; you are doing the best you can.
In this week’s VSTA Connect there is pertinent information for Indigenous Teachers, New Teachers, and BIPOC Teacher engagement. Also please register now for the VSTA General Meeting.
Inhale: I will not forget myself
Exhale: I deserve to exhale
VSTA General Meeting via Zoom Tuesday, January 25, 4:00 pm
BCTF AGM delegates will be elected at this meeting and we will consider a motion to vacate our current building.
Voting will be conducted online using Simply Voting. The BCTF will manage the motions and the election for the GM. Members who are registered will receive their voting link on the morning of January 25 with further details to follow. Advance registration is required. GM registration deadline is Monday, January 24 9:00 am. Register here.
Call for Scrutineers for VSTA Delegate Election for the BCTF AGM - 2 positions
The election for delegates will take place at the VSTA GM on Tuesday. Indicate your interest to fill one of two positions by emailing kim@vsta.ca before 4:00 pm TODAY, January 21. If more than two members apply, we will draw names to fill the positions. A brief but mandatory training session will occur on Monday, January 24 at 3:15 pm via Zoom.
Talking Circle
The BCTF is looking to engage VSTA BIPOC community members in a Talking Circle around the relationship between police and school practices and a broader conversation around creating and sustaining safety in Vancouver schools. The Talking Circle will be grounded in Indigenous ceremony and cultural practices and lead by an Indigenous community leader. Register here by February 1st.
Contracting COVID-19
If you have or have recovered from COVID-19, the COVID-19 infection coincides with your role as a teacher, and you are missing or missed work due to this condition, you are encouraged to apply for WCB using the Teleclaim Service (1-888-WORKERS). This applies to teachers regardless of employment status (Continuing, Temporary, TTOC, etc.). A claim supported by WCB could result in the reversal of lost sick days due to contracting COVID-19 at the worksite.
Refusal of Unsafe Work
Please contact the office if you believe that a refusal of unsafe work is merited at you school. A flow chart outlining the Refusal of Unsafe Work is here. Workers in BC have the right to refuse unsafe work. Section 3.12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation spells out the right of a worker to refuse work if there is reasonable cause to believe it would create an undue hazard to their health and safety. An “undue hazard” would include a condition at the workplace that may expose a worker to an excessive or unwarranted risk of injury or occupational disease. During COVID-19, an “undue hazard” would be one where a worker’s job role places them at increased risk of exposure and adequate controls are not in place to protect them from that exposure.
Indigenous Educators Committee Meeting February 9, 4:00 pm via Zoom
New and Early Career Teachers
The BCTF is offering a New ad Early Career Teacher around opportunities for professional growth and how to access funds through Collective Agreements. There will be guest speakers and breakout rooms offered in English and in French. Please register here
Mental health resources for students
The BCTF is seeking 10 members to work with the Ministry of Education to enhance mental health resources available for students K-12. This project will involve four full days of collaboration time to review, modify, and endorse the key principles and strategies for K–12 Mental Health Promotion in School. Registration closes on January 26, please see here.
Digital version
Click here for digital version.
Collective Agreement
BCPSEA-BCTF Provincial Collective Agreement
VSB-VTF Collective Agreement
At this time the only available version of the new 2019-22 Collective Agreement is from BCPSEA. VSTA is currently in the process of melding our local language with the provincial collective agreement. We will make the melded version available ASAP.
Post-Jackson Class Report Instructions
VSTA Constitution & By-Laws
VSTA Policies & Procedures
BCTF Code of Ethics
VSTA Structure (poster)
Meeting Resources
VSTA Meeting Schedule 2024-25
VSTA Sponsored Meetings Policy
Commitment to Solidarity
Quick Guide to Simplified Rules
Virtual Meeting Guidelines
Roles & Handbooks
VSTA Staff Rep Reference Manual
VSTA Staff Committee Handbook
Refusal of Unsafe Work
VTF/VSB Professional Development Handbook
Roles of the Executive Committee
Indigenous Education Resources
"Decolonization is not a metaphor" Article by Eve Tuck
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan 2022-27