March 11, 2022
Everyone take a collective breath: we have finally made it to spring break. We hope that you can get away from the classroom and find quality relaxation in the things you enjoy. Whether that is returning to a hobby or a special project, going on that long-awaited vacation, or just enjoying quiet time at home we hope that you find the utmost enjoyment in the next couple of weeks.
Deadlines for Spring Transfer March 15– April 18
For the full Spring 2022 Timeline, visit the VSB SharePoint and search “Spring 2022 Timeline”. You can also ask your site-based admin for a copy of the timeline. Special note, the deadline for committing to transfer takes place on the first Tuesday of spring break. Also, a reminder that the B category that used to give teachers who committed to transfer an advantage in the post and fill process has been retired.
Thank you to the BCTF AGM Delegates
A big thank you to the BCTF AGM Delegates and the Alternates who have committed to attending the virtual Annual General Meeting of the BCTF from March 19-22. We hope you all have an engaging and meaningful meeting.
The delegation to the 2022 BCTF AGM include our Local Reps: Nikitha Fester, Carmen Schaedeli and Jonathan Wynn along with the elected members:
Jelana Bighorn, VT
Russell Cripps, PW
Lindsay Donaldson, VT
Treena Goolieff, VSTA
Shannon Less, BRIT
Sylvia Metzner, TTOC
Sarah Ng, BRIT
Roderick Ofreneo, VT
Tina Quan, MGEE
Nigel Reedman, VT
Alyssa Reid, VSTA
Katharine Shipley, DIST
John Silver, JO
Terry Stanway, VSTA
Jesse Taylor, MGEE
Kathryn Walks, JO
Preet Lidder, WIND (Alternate)
Irving Lau, JO (Alternate)
VSTA General Meeting
VSTA General Meeting – Tuesday, March 29 via Zoom A General Meeting will be held on March 29 at 4:00pm. The meeting has been called in response to a petition by members who desire further discussions regarding the impact of the Britannia Poster Removal. The meeting is also required to decide whether to proceed on an offer made by the VSTA to purchase of an alternate office space at 6th and Cambie. The VSTA office must relocate by August 2022 to accommodate the ongoing redevelopment project of the Commercial and 13th building. Advance registration is required. Click here to register.
In Solidarity, Treena, Terry, and Alyssa |
Digital version
Click here for digital version.
Collective Agreement
BCPSEA-BCTF Provincial Collective Agreement
VSB-VTF Collective Agreement
At this time the only available version of the new 2019-22 Collective Agreement is from BCPSEA. VSTA is currently in the process of melding our local language with the provincial collective agreement. We will make the melded version available ASAP.
Post-Jackson Class Report Instructions
VSTA Constitution & By-Laws
VSTA Policies & Procedures
BCTF Code of Ethics
VSTA Structure (poster)
Meeting Resources
VSTA Meeting Schedule 2024-25
VSTA Sponsored Meetings Policy
Commitment to Solidarity
Quick Guide to Simplified Rules
Virtual Meeting Guidelines
Roles & Handbooks
VSTA Staff Rep Reference Manual
VSTA Staff Committee Handbook
Refusal of Unsafe Work
VTF/VSB Professional Development Handbook
Roles of the Executive Committee
Indigenous Education Resources
"Decolonization is not a metaphor" Article by Eve Tuck
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan 2022-27