VSTA Connect – September 6, 2022

September 6, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back!  We hope you had a restful summer and feel rejuvenated for the busy year to come.  As you start to transition back to work and get your planning underway, you may be wondering about how you will stay healthy and informed this year.  You may also be wondering about how to get more involved in union work and take on a leadership role.  We have some answers here and there will be more to come.  Above all, we hope that you have a smooth first week back and that the new school year starts off well for you. Please speak to a Staff Rep or contact us at the VSTA office if you have questions or concerns. 


Review the Health and Safety Updates

For now, things are as they were in June. Current BCCDC recommendations for staff and students in schools is to be fully vaccinated, stay home if you are feeling sick, and that mask-wearing is optional. 
For more information, check out the Aug. 25th Guidance-k-12-schools.pdf (bccdc.ca) or generally School COVID-19 Information (bccdc.ca)

Log in to read BCTF bargaining updates

This round of Provincial bargaining has been moving at a faster pace than previous rounds.  It is important to keep up to date by reading the BCTF bargaining updates as they come out.  Be sure to read the most recent BCPSEA salary proposal (Aug. 18) and the union’s counter proposal (Aug.19).  We are still waiting for BCPSEA’s next salary offer. List of Proposals

You can read the August 19 bargaining update here. Remember, you need to be logged in to the website to read this information and see all of the proposals. If you are having difficulty logging in to the BCTF website, see: Get Assistance Logging in to BCTF.ca

Update your Contact Information with the VSTA

Please ensure the VSTA has your current address, phone number, non-employer email address and your current school if you have changed schools since last year. Update here

Attend Your Staff Committee meetings

Staff Committees are an important provision of our Collective Agreement throughout the year. At the beginning of the year, Staff Committees have the opportunity to provide advice regarding policies and procedures that will guide how the school functions for the remainder of the year. All VSTA members can attend and speak at their Staff Committee meetings. Depending on your school constitution (ask a  Staff Rep), you may need to be elected as a representative in order to vote on Staff Committee, or in some schools, all VSTA members may vote. Staff Committee Handbook

Run for a School Union Team role

The Staff Organization (all VSTA members on staff at your school) shall meet to elect the School Union Team in June or early September. Staff Reps are members of the VSTA Council, while committee reps are members of the VSTA committee and (may) chair the corresponding school committee. 

For more information, see: Site-Based Union Team and 2022-23-SUT-Descriptions.pdf

Get to know your VSTA Executive Committee

VSTA Executive Committee
We have elected a dynamic group to represent the membership and provide advice and direction to the In-House Table Officers.

TTOCs can join the VSTA TTOC Committee

Christine McKinnon chairs the VSTA TTOC Committee and represents TTOCs on the Executive Committee.  The Committee’s recent work has focused on improving call-out protocols and access to technology for TTOCs. Please consider attending Committee meetings. Christine can be reached at TTOC@vsta.ca.

In Solidarity,
Terry, Carmen, and Carl

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