VSTA Connect – 2023 Issue 07
Dear Colleagues,
We hope this Connect finds you well and that this last stretch of the year, from Spring Break to June 30th is off to a good start for you. Thank you for your patience as we completed our move last week. We are now settling in and we hope to be able to have in-person meetings at our new location in early May. In this Connect you will find a thank you to all the BCTF delegates, a reminder about EC nominations, a note about indoor air quality, and meeting reminders.
Thank you to our delegates and Local Representatives for dedicating four long days over spring break to represent our local and participate in important decision making for our union. We hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your break! We will report out to staff reps and provide an opportunity to ask questions at our next Council meeting.
Separate from our elected delegation and LR’s, Jillian Maguire (Kitsilano), ran for President of the BCTF, garnering more than 20% of the vote on a platform based on a call for the divestment of fossil fuel holdings from the Teachers’ Pension Plan. Jillian is a co-founder of BCTF Divest Now, a committee of BCTF members who are working to promote fossil fuel divestment. Spearheaded by Jillian and Divest Now, the VSTA brought a motion to the AGM calling for the divestment of fossil fuel equities from TPP holdings. This motion was roundly supported.
Nominations are open!
Nominations are open!
The VSTA Annual General Meeting will take place on May 16, 2023, and we encourage all interested VSTA members to consider nominations for next year’s Executive Committee. These hard-working members provide union representation at the school, district and provincial level.
Check out the “job description” at https://vsta.ca and see if you, or someone you know, might be a great fit for this upcoming opportunity! Click here for the nomination form.
The deadline for nominations, candidate statements and candidate photo is APRIL 25, 2023, 9 AM. Nominations can also be made from the floor at the AGM.
Indoor Air Quality concerns
As we head into the warmer season, we expect that for some of you, your classroom will be reaching temperatures that are beyond the acceptable range. Please connect with your school’s Health and Safety rep if your classroom is consistently reaching temperatures above 26 degrees.
BIPOC Ad Hoc Committee Meeting –Tomorrow!
BIPOC Ad Hoc Committee Meeting –Tomorrow!
Thursday, Apr. 6, 4:15 at Van Tech in Rm. 409.
If people have mobility needs, please contact the VSTA office and we will ensure the organizers are aware.
2SLGBTQ+ Ad Hoc Committee Meeting – Tomorrow!
Thursday, April 6, 4:00 pm at Templeton, Room 203, with a zoom option for those who can’t make it in person.
BCTF - Neurodivergent Virtual Monthly Meet-ups
Dates: March 30, April 27, May 25, and June 29, 2023
Time: From 3:30-4:30 p.m.
These are a new monthly gathering for BC public school teachers who identify as being neurodivergent. Join us in building community and connection with peers throughout the province centered on the unique needs and experiences of neurodivergent teachers.
We will be hosting these on zoom at this link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89706977254?pwd=RFErMDlhNno0d0ZsTTVtSWVpMHVTdz09
Please watch the promo video here.
In Solidarity,
Terry, Carmen, and Carl
Click here for digital version.
Collective Agreement
BCPSEA-BCTF Provincial Collective Agreement
VSB-VTF Collective Agreement
At this time the only available version of the new 2019-22 Collective Agreement is from BCPSEA. VSTA is currently in the process of melding our local language with the provincial collective agreement. We will make the melded version available ASAP.
Post-Jackson Class Report Instructions
VSTA Constitution & By-Laws
VSTA Policies & Procedures
BCTF Code of Ethics
VSTA Structure (poster)
Meeting Resources
VSTA Meeting Schedule 2024-25
VSTA Sponsored Meetings Policy
Commitment to Solidarity
Quick Guide to Simplified Rules
Virtual Meeting Guidelines
Roles & Handbooks
VSTA Staff Rep Reference Manual
VSTA Staff Committee Handbook
Refusal of Unsafe Work
VTF/VSB Professional Development Handbook
Roles of the Executive Committee
Indigenous Education Resources
"Decolonization is not a metaphor" Article by Eve Tuck
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan 2022-27