2017-18 Remedy Claims

The VSTA Executive Committee passed a motion at our December 5, 2019 meeting that 2017-2018 remedy money must be spent by June 30, 2020. Teachers received notice of their remedy amounts remaining from Staff Reps in November. If you are unsure if you are owed remedy or the amount available to you, please check with a Staff Rep.

In order to alleviate workload issues at the VSTA office, as over 500 teachers are submitting claim forms, please submit all your receipts at the same time for reimbursement using the VSTA Remedy Claim Form.

When considering how to use remedy, please keep in mind the following guidelines.

Professional Development:

·   Opportunities should align with the BCTF Pro-D lens– they should be “relevant to your teaching practice, responsible (meets obligations to colleagues, the Collective Agreement & our profession) and autonomous (voluntarily chosen)”

·   Credit courses can be accessed with the same conditions as above.

·   Remedy may be used to offset travel and accommodation costs. If you are attending Pro D during summer 2020 please submit your receipts prior to the June 30 deadline.

Classroom Resources:

·   The VSB has created a process for teachers with Remedy 2017-18 to order technology, equipment and furniture through ePro. This ensures that any of these purchases will be serviced and supported by the VSB.  Items purchased outside of the VSB  will not be serviced or supported by the VSB.

·   Remedy can be accessed for fieldtrips, and to bring guest speakers/educators into classrooms.

·   Remedy cannot be transferred to other members or to Departments.

As per the VSTA Executive motion above – remedy funds not spent by June 30, 2020, will be turned over to the VSTA for member services. This will ensure that any unused funds will continue to support our members and teaching and learning in our schools.

Remedy funds will NOT be paid out in cash to individual teachers.

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VSTA Pub Night!

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